Equine-Facilitated Coaching creates a container for learning that provides immediate insights and interpersonal reflection about your relationship with self, others, and life with horses as your guides, partners, and mirrors. No prior horse experience is necessary and no riding is involved.



In this arena, the horses hold the lessons for whatever questions you bring with you regardless of what you’re working on. Explore radical self-inquiry, deep listening, self-mastery, collaborative leadership, partnership, and non-predatory uses of power. Grounded in evidence-based research into the neurobiological approach to learning, working with horses engages the limbic pathway where the rewiring of emotional and psychological habits is possible and transformational.

Individual sessions with the horses go deep quickly as we explore whatever’s at work for you. How do you show up in relationship to yourself, to others, and to life? How does your energy impact others? What might you need to learn about boundaries? What perspectives and mental models are actually limiting us, or keeping us back; and, what other perspectives are there? As you attune to your self through the mirror of a horse, you can uncover the ways of being in the world that are keeping you complicit in what you say you don’t want, and learn how you affect the field around you with your presence.

I am convinced that contact with a horse can help the process by teaching patience, the need to listen and observe, self-control, and empathy.
— Frederic Pignon, horseman & author


  • Discover our most innate way of being in the world

  • Develop and master non-verbal skills

  • Develop inner resourcefulness in the face of challenges

  • Work through a power-with dynamic vs. a power-over dynamic

  • Practice the art of collaborative leadership

  • Be present, and know its impact

  • Create trust and safety

  • Develop the ability to self-regulate, and regulate others

  • Gain clarity of intention

  • Learning, knowing, and setting boundaries

  • Stay calm in a crisis